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Bender 'Who Wants to Rock?' cdep
Who's The Clown
Bass Drum
Garbage Can
Jen's Got a Job
Granola Fast Four
Salvador Saves the World
PHCD002 released 1998.
Bender: Derek Bahn (vocals, guitar), Brian Christensen (drums), Jim Harper (guitar, vocals), Eric Haugen (bass, vocals).
"Bender gets fast and sloppy. A punkish romp." - Illinois Entertainer
Bender happened when Sheriff Derek recruited Jim Harper and Eric Haugen from the recently-defunct Bendigo Shafter to join Sheriff Derek & the Deputies after John Reyes left to form the Bendigos. We really should produce a soap opera about the whole thing.
The new lineup tightened up the Deputies' edgy punk-pop with bountiful harmonies and daring arrangements. It is still unclear what the intent was. Some members thought it was supposed to be a joke; others insisted the hard-rock posturing was completely sincere. Audiences were unified in their confusion. A series of calamitous gigs led to the band falling out, leaving only this rapid-fire cdep for evidence. Produced by Ryan Bassler, it's rockin' like Dokken and yet proudly power-poppin' as well. Leaves you thinking, "Man, these guys could have been HUGE," depending on how drunk you are.
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