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(each mp3 is 300K, 30 secs, 80kbps, mono)
LMP 'Meeting Up and Making Friends' cdep
Hot Pink Hot Pants
Sheila E.
Get Out!
Join Us For Jazz
Mr. America
PHCD005 released 2002.
Sleeve design by juli goins-maclean/The Juxtaposed Group.
La Musique Populaire: Ryan Bassler (instruments, vocals) and Eric Haugen (instruments, vocals). Special guest stars: Gen Burjes (percussion on 'Sheila E.'), Jim Harper (lead guitar on 'Sheila E.'). Samples on 'Get Out' from the motion picture 'Ghosts 'N Goblins' courtesy Capcom Films.
"Short, funny, and you can listen to it 500 times withhout getting sick of it. The L stands for I Love it!" Roctober "Unique, enigmatic songs full of sass and flair
LMP is brilliant in its delivery." Splendid
Other LMP releases:
'A Century of Song' 6-cdr box (2004)
'Honey Honey Honey Honey' cdr3 (2004)
'Sugar Cone' cdr3 (2004)
'Show Some Heaven to Me Baby' cdr3 (2004)
'Our Birthday' cdr3 (2004)
'Ding Dong' cdr3 (2004)
'Love Conquers Alda' cd (2003)
'The New Body Language' cdep (2001)
'Aunt Canada' cd (1996)
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